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Horse Profile
Horse Detail
Birthplace AUSTRALIA Age 18 Sex Gelding Color Chestnut
Sire Dane Supreme Dam Summer Affair Sire of Dam Afleetaffair Same Sire
Trainer NA Owner Marunhangtung Syndicate Same Owner
Retired Date   2013-07-30
Pre-import Oversea Name Chateau De Caix
Record Summary
Current Rating 50 Season Stakes Won $558,050 Sum to 2013-05-12
Season Records:
Season Sand Records:
Season Turf Records:
All Seasons Records:
All Seasons Sand Records:
All Seasons Turf Records:
Macau Meeting Records
TIME GO 1st 2nd 3rd OS
 2012/2013 Season
2013-07-19 1100T 9 1166 (50) 133 KWL/GWM B/RB 9 -/12 - 1:05.9 - SO SUNSHINE TACKER FOREVER FRIENDSHIP THE HAPPY POWER10
hang out and thereafter took no part in the race from 800, Post race vet - no abs.
Freshened 6 weeks.
2013-06-01 1100T 3 1171 (52) 123 KWL/GWM B/RB 14 12-13-9/14 8 1:02.9 1:04.2 GY MY LUCKY BABY SUNSHINE RHYTHM CHARMING BEIJING56
2013-05-12 1200T 9 1168 (52) 124 MC /GWM PB/RB 7 7-7-4/12 6-1/2 1:17.0 1:18.2 HE SUNSHINE SPIRIT CHINA CHEERS MY LUCKY BABY39
Freshened 7 weeks.
2013-03-22 1200T 6 1165 (54) 125 MC /GWM B/RB 3 9-9-9/10 1-3/4 1:11.2 1:11.5 YI SUNSHINE CHARMING SHARON WINNER GOLDEN WELL BO BO12
Brushed on jumping and was inconvenienced.
2013-03-08 1200T 6 1167 (53) 126 MC /GWM B/RB 1 10-10-3/11 3-3/4 1:09.3 1:09.9 GO YUE SING CAPTAIN SUNSHINE 8
Hampered and became unbalanced at start.
Freshened 5 weeks.
2013-01-26 1200T 6 1163 (54) 126 CKM/GWM B/RB 5 13-13-11/12 4-1/2 1:10.0 1:10.8 GO POWER PURDEY BO BO SO GREAT SUNSHINE ENERGY32
Tightened for room after start.
2013-01-13 1050S 1181 (56) 129 KFC/GWM PB/RB 11 6-10-7/14 8-1/4 1:02.4 1:03.8 NW MASTER CHOW LUEN YAT FAST NET TURQUOISE FAST17
Raced wide for majority.
Freshened 4 weeks.
2012-12-15 1350S 1191 (56) 129 LJO/GWM PB/RB 11 7-6-7-4/12 2-1/4 1:22.9 1:23.3 NW SUN PROFIT TONY ITOLDYOUSO DARE T'LIVE2
Raced wide for majority.
2012-12-08 1050S 1173 (56) 126 BY /GWM PB/RB 4 13-5-4/14 3 1:03.4 1:03.9 NW ORIENTAL PARIS TURQUOISE FAST MY CUP OF TEA5
Bumped on jumping.
2012-11-16 1050S 1178 (54) 128 KFC/GWM PB/RB 13 7-7-2/14 1-3/4 1:02.9 1:03.1 NW THE STAR OF GEELY CAPTAIN GENUKI22
Blundered on jumping and was bumped.
Freshened 4 weeks.
2012-10-19 1350S 1170 (46) 124 CKM/GWM PB/RB 11 6-5-4-1/11 3 1:23.3 1:23.3 NW JUNGLE KING SHORT CUT2
2012-09-29 1400T 6 1167 (48) 127 KFC/GWM B/RB 8 3-3-2-6/9 10-3/4 1:21.9 1:23.5 GF SUNSHINE CHEERS THE STAR OF GEELY FAIR COMMENT7
2012-09-09 1200T 6 1160 (48) 131 CKM/GWM B/RB 2 7-5-4/11 6-1/4 1:09.3 1:10.3 GO GOLDEN BULLET MY LUCKY BABY MISSION BRAHMA9
Checked near 1000.
 2011/2012 Season
2012-08-24 1350S 1148 (39) 127 KFC/GWM PB/RB 10 3-4-3-1/12 4 1:23.5 1:23.5 NW MIGHTY TROJAN SOUTHERN STAR5
2012-08-10 1600S 1159 (37) 127 KFC/GWM PB/RB 8 2-2-2-2-3/14 1/4 1:42.2 1:42.3 RA NEW CHESNEY NO EXCUSE DOODLE 11
Bumped and became unbalanced near 200.
2012-07-27 1350S 1154 (38) 116 CKM/GWM PB/RB 2 1-2-2-5/11 2-3/4 1:23.2 1:23.7 RA SUNSHINE CHEERS WOODNEY VOGUISH12
2012-07-20 1350S 1159 (40) 130 CKM/GWM PB/RB 9 2-3-3-5/12 7-1/2 1:22.5 1:23.7 NW NANGANG POWER CHUBBY COUSIN SHINE MASTER2
Raced wide throughout.
Freshened 4 weeks.
2012-06-22 1350S 1148 (41) 125 CKM/GWM PB/RB 7 1-3-2-5/12 4-1/4 1:23.3 1:24.1 NW WOODNEY GOOD RACING SHORT CUT2
Post race vet - No abs.
2012-06-02 1200T 1138 (40) 133 CKM/GWM B/RB 13 3-2-3/14 3-1/4 1:08.9 1:09.4 GO MY CUP OF TEA ORACLE MASTER 7
2012-05-18 1350S 1131 (32) 119 CKM/GWM PB/RB 1 1-1-1-1/12 1-3/4 1:23.2 1:23.2 RA THE HAPPY POWER SUN WEALTHY3
2012-04-27 1350S 1096 (32) 121 CKM/GWM PRB 1 2-1-1-3/12 7 1:23.4 1:24.6 RA SHORT CUT GOOD RACING 5


Pre-import Records
Race course Race condition Dist Place Horses Weight Time Going LBW Currency Total Stakes Stakes Won
06-22 HV CL5 1200 12 12 130 1:14.0 GY -16.5 HKD 500000 0
04-17 HV CL4S 1200 11 12 112 1:11.1 G -5.5 HKD 640000 0
04-03 ST CL4 1600 13 14 121 1:37.9 G -11.0 HKD 640000 0
02-27 ST CL4 1200 11 14 123 1:11.8 G -10.0 HKD 640000 0
02-05 ST CL4 1200 7 14 126 1:11.0 G -3.5 HKD 640000 0
01-23 ST CL4S 1200 13 14 130 1:11.4 G -6.5 HKD 640000 0
01-01 ST CL3 1200 11 14 114 1:11.6 G -8.25 HKD 850000 0
12-12 ST CL3 1200 8 14 115 1:10.8 G -5.0 HKD 850000 0
12-01 HV CL3 1200 11 12 116 1:11.5 G -8.75 HKD 850000 0
11-14 ST CL3 1200 11 12 122 1:10.4 G -9.0 HKD 850000 0
10-17 ST CL3 1200 10 14 122 1:10.9 GF -9.0 HKD 850000 0
12-09 DOOMBEN 3YO C&G MDN 1040 1 11 123 1:00.3 G +SH AUS 13000 8450

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