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e-Statement / Up to date email address to receive the latest news

In order to protect the environment and contribute to environmental protection, the Club can now provide Members with e-Statement service. Members can simply register on www.mjc.mo/e/se for e-Statement service and switch to paperless life! At the same time, providing us the most up to date email address allows Members to receive the latest information from the Club.

Accounts Department Tel: Hong Kong (852)2922 6303 /Macau (853)8397 7822
MJC Contact Number Macau : (853) 2882 0868
Hong Kong : (Tollfree) 80096 7822
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Persons under 18 years of age and any others to be refused entry into betting centers are prohibited from gambling and entering Cashbet Centers.

MJC is the legal operator in Macao offering horse betting services. Being involved in illegal gambling shall be a serious crime. Please do not defy the law. For reporting gaming-related crimes, please contact Gaming-related Crimes Division of the Judiciary Police at 28330099.

MJC advocates responsible gambling. In case of emotional problems and abnormal behaviors, please contact Yat On Center at 2821 0033 for help, website : www.yoc.org.mo.