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Horse Profile
Horse Detail
Birthplace IRELAND Age 15 Sex Gelding Color Bay
Sire Heliostatic Dam Grand Capua Sire of Dam Grand Lodge Same Sire
Trainer NA Owner Lam Wai Hung, Lawrence Same Owner
Retired Date   2016-03-02
Pre-import Oversea Name Le Rouge Alex
Record Summary
Current Rating 45 Season Stakes Won $1,132,675 Sum to 2016-02-13
Season Records:
Season Sand Records:
Season Turf Records:
All Seasons Records:
All Seasons Sand Records:
All Seasons Turf Records:
Macau Meeting Records
TIME GO 1st 2nd 3rd OS
 2015/2016 Season
2016-02-13 1700T 1085 55-25 (45) 120 LC /PL B/SR/T/RB 4 7-7-7-8-7/10 5-1/4 1:44.0 1:44.8 GY LUCK OF THE DRAGON RIVERS ELITE ORIENTAL STRENGTH4
Jumped away awkwardly. Performed below market expectations. Rider explained travelled well early stages, then caught flat footed when field sprinted from 400 metres worked home well to the line. Geldi
2016-01-23 1500T 8 1081 45-25 (37) 122 LC /PL B/SR/T/RB 1 6-7-6-1/12 1-3/4 1:39.0 1:39.0 HE RIVER TREASURE LUEN YAT COMMAND14
COT, attempt to ride more forward due favorable barrier draw. Jumped away awkwardly did not muster early speed and settled in the midfield position. 1200 metres mark restrained when tightened for room
Freshened 6 weeks.
2015-12-12 1500T 4 1064 45-25 (39) 127 BY /PL B/SR/T/RB 4 10-10-11-10/12 7-3/4 1:34.5 1:35.8 YS RUSH'N PRINCE STRONG WIND FLORENCE BABY3
Steadied off heels 1200 metres. Disappointing performance. Rider reported gelding did not handle the softer track conditions and dipped on several occasions when put under pressure. Vet check - NSF
Freshened 4 weeks.
2015-11-13 1500T 1064 45-25 (39) 128 RST/PL B/SR/T/RB 3 5-7-8-3/12 3-1/2 1:30.8 1:31.3 YI YUMMY YUMMY ACTIVE POWER 8
2015-10-17 1500T 1066 45-25 (37) 126 RST/PL B/SR/T/RB 10 7-7-4-2/12 1-1/4 1:29.0 1:29.2 GO RIVERS ELITE RUSH'N PRINCE10
2015-09-26 1500T 4 1056 40-20 (35) 128 RST/PL B/SR/T/RB 7 6-6-2-2/9 NK 1:30.3 1:30.4 YI RIVERS ELITE FAR REACHING8


Pre-import Records
Race course Race condition Dist Place Horses Weight Time Going LBW Currency Total Stakes Stakes Won
10-07 DUNDALK H'CAP (50-70) 1400 5 13 128 ST -3.0 UK 8274 0
09-18 FAIRYHOUSE H'CAP (50-80) 1400 2 18 115 YS -3.75 UK 8274 1379
09-09 DOWN ROYAL CLAIMING STKS 1400 1 12 116 G +NK UK 5791 4163
08-10 GOWRAN PARK H'CAP 1400 11 12 114 G -10.0 UK 8274 0
08-03 SLIGO H'CAP (50-75) 1300 5 12 127 G -7.0 UK 8274 0
06-17 LIMERICK MDN STKS 1450 8 10 129 G -16.0 UK 10757 0
06-11 LIMERICK MDN STKS 1450 9 10 126 GF -7.75 UK 10757 0
05-12 GOWRAN PARK MDN STKS 1400 7 9 129 G -9.0 UK 12412 0

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