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Horse Profile
Horse Detail
Birthplace AUSTRALIA Age 15 Sex Gelding Color Bay
Sire Testa Rossa Dam Piculet Sire of Dam Timber Country Same Sire
Trainer NA Owner Mr. & Mrs. Lau Fat Choi Same Owner
Retired Date   2015-08-15
Pre-import Oversea Name Picante
Record Summary
Current Rating 110 Season Stakes Won $1,305,550 Sum to 2015-04-18
Season Records:
Season Sand Records:
Season Turf Records:
All Seasons Records:
All Seasons Sand Records:
All Seasons Turf Records:
Macau Meeting Records
TIME GO 1st 2nd 3rd OS
 2014/2015 Season
2015-08-15 1700S 1213 (110) 126 DC /CKC PRB 8 -/12 - 1:44.1 - RA PAK LOK ANGEL WONDER MOSSMAN LUEN YAT EVERWIN18
Let up 9 weeks.
2015-06-12 1350S 1240 (111) 125 HL /CKC PRB 3 1-3-3-10/11 16 1:20.7 1:23.5 NW HEALTHY LIFE KOREAN DREAM SHENG LI WIN3
Freshened 7 weeks.
2015-04-18 1350S 1241 (110) 130 HL /CKC PRB 4 3-2-2-2/11 1-3/4 1:20.6 1:20.9 NW SPRING STREAM THE WHIRLWIND6
Spell 41 weeks.
 2013/2014 Season
2014-06-29 1600S 1222 (101) 115 HL /CKC PRB 4 3-2-1-1-1/8 1-1/4 1:38.0 1:38.0 NW LUEN YAT FOREVER LUEN YAT EVERWIN1
Shortly after the start was inconvenienced when crowded; In the straight got its tongue over the bit and was inclined to lay out.
Freshened 4 weeks.
2014-05-31 1350S 1209 (90) 115 HL /CKC PRB 3 11-1-1-1/12 3 1:20.9 1:20.9 NW WILL BE AMAZED CALI CHAMPION1
On jumping away lost its position when tightened for room. From the 300 metres was inclined to shift out under pressure.
Freshened 4 weeks.
2014-05-03 1500T 1218 (90) 126 HL /CKC RB 3 6-3-4-8/14 8-3/4 1:27.0 1:28.3 GO HOSTWIN DONATELLO SUNSHINE FULL LIFE COUNTRY WESTERN2
Inside the 200 metres was inconvenienced briefly as 7 Country Western improved to its inside. A post race veterinary examination failed to reveal any significant abnormality.


Pre-import Records
Race course Race condition Dist Place Horses Weight Time Going LBW Currency Total Stakes Stakes Won
06-14 GEELONG SYNTHETIC 0-62 2200 3 12 129 2:19.8 G -0.6 AUS 17500 1400
05-20 PAKENHAM 0-62 HWGT 2400 9 12 153 2:40.7 H -13.2 AUS 15000 270
04-28 NMIT ARARAT PARK 0-62 1600 6 12 130 1:36.6 G -4.95 AUS 15000 270
04-12 CRANBOURNE 0-68 1600 5 8 126 1:37.8 D -6.25 AUS 17500 350
03-28 CRANBOURNE CL1 1200 8 10 129 1:14.0 D -6.95 AUS 17500 315
02-10 BALLARAT 3Y MDN-SW 1600 1 9 128 1:42.4 D +6.0 AUS 17500 10500
01-23 BALLARAT MDN-SW 1600 4 11 126 1:40.3 D -6.9 AUS 17500 700
01-11 CRANBOURNE MDN-SW 1600 3 11 126 1:39.5 G -2.25 AUS 17500 1400
12-28 BENDIGO MDN-SW 1300 4 11 126 1:17.8 D -3.0 AUS 15000 600

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