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Singapore Meeting Race 1 - 第5級
  1 2 3 4 5 6      
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2018-04-20 | Fri | 18:50 | All Weather Track | 1100M
Date Jockey Wgt
Rtg Class Course Dist
Div Pla
Winner Win
Going LBW Draw Gear Weight
1. Baymax . 2 . 5yo B/BR us G . Happy Venture 2 & BG . 1st: 1, 2nd: 0, 3rd: 0 . PrizeMoney:S$ 17,460
 2018-05-17   Trk Rider 61 0 Tri S 1000- 0 4 / 7  Elena Of Avalor  1:03.14 g 2.10 1 H 0
 2018-06-03   G Boss 56.5 38 5 S 1800T 23 6 / 9  Murdoch  |1:49.4 g 4.50 2 H 438
 2018-06-29   Ms A Collett 55.5 36 5 S 1400T 211 13 / 14  Muscular Dragon  1:24.36 g 11.90 7 H 437
 2018-07-20   N Juglall 52.5 34 5 S 1600T 122 3 / 10  Darci's Boy  1:37.25 g 2.00 9 B 441
 2018-08-31   AK Lim 53.5 34 5 S 1700P 70 9 / 12  Dragon  1:47.51 g 9.50 12 B 443
 2018-10-25   Trk Rider 62 0 Tri S 1000- 0 8 / 10  Ararat Lady  1:01.78 g 9.20 4 B 0
2. Mongolian Chief . 9 . 5yo BLK nz G . Leslie Khoo . 1st: 3, 2nd: 4, 3rd: 2 . PrizeMoney:S$ 132,705
 2018-07-27   R Curatolo 57.5 40 5 S 1600P 23 4 / 11  Big Banker  1:41.14 g 4.50 6 B 459
 2018-09-07   Z Zuriman 55.5 38 5 S 1600P 48 10 / 12  Evil Speedo  |1:40.1 g 15.55 11 B 466
 2018-10-05   B Mertens 56.5 37 5 S 1700P 13 3 / 10  The One  1:48.87 g 1.00 5 P 465
 2018-10-11   Z Zuriman 57 0 Tri S 1000P 0 4 / 6  I'm Incredible  1:02.28 g 6.90 5 P 0
 2018-11-23   N Hanafi 50.5 38 5 S 1700P 34 8 / 12  Bounceback Ability  1:47.41 g 9.05 12 P 469
 2019-01-06   N Hanafi 49.5 36 KD S 1700P 128 8 / 9  Carnelian  1:47.47 g 17.55 9 P 462
3. Bring Me Joy . 8 . 5yo B nz G . Happiness . 1st: 0, 2nd: 2, 3rd: 3 . PrizeMoney:S$ 16,144
 2020-02-09   R Munger 51 23 5 S 1100P 37 3 / 10  One World  1:06.41 g 2.70 10 B 478
 2020-02-21   Ms A Collett 51.5 23 5 S 1100P 16 1 / 11  Bring Me Joy  1:06.59 g 1.75 11 B 482
 2020-03-13   Ms A Collett 54.5 29 5 S 1100P 13 8 / 12  Excellent Moon  1:07.00 g 5.35 2 B 482
 2020-04-03   Ms A Collett 55 29 5 S 1200P 53 2 / 12  Ma Bao Bao  1:13.46 g 0.10 5 B 479
 2020-06-24   K A'isisuhairi 0 0 Tri S 1000P 0 4 / 9  Maximilian  1:01.41 g 1.30 1 B 0
 2020-07-14   K A'isisuhairi 0 0 Tri S 1000P 0 3 / 9  Giant Killing  1:01.35 g 2.80 6 B 0
4. Yellow Jade Horse . 1 . 4yo B au G . Kohong Stable . 1st: 0, 2nd: 1, 3rd: 1 . PrizeMoney:S$ 10,339
 2019-08-02   CC Wong 51 30 5 S 1100P 91 7 / 12  Extra Win  1:05.73 g 8.20 4 B 537
 2019-08-18   CC Wong 50 28 M S 1100P 141 5 / 9  Lincoln Moonlight  1:06.05 g 8.20 3 B 540
 2019-09-13   CC Wong 53 26 5 S 1100P 77 5 / 8  Kubera's Chief  1:05.76 g 5.30 8 B 539
 2019-10-04   JP VD Merwe 50 24 5 S 1200T 172 6 / 9  Broadway Success  1:10.33 g 7.40 4 B 537
 2019-10-25   CC Wong 50 22 5 S 1000P 170 9 / 12  My Gold  0:59.24 g 7.95 7 B 541
 2019-11-03   JP VD Merwe 50 22 M S 1200P 244 10 / 11  Winning Legend  1:12.55 g 12.50 2 B 539
5. Super Dan . 4 . 4yo BR nz G . Mdm BL Ong . 1st: 0, 2nd: 1, 3rd: 4 . PrizeMoney:S$ 52,459
 2018-07-15   S Shafrizal 50 46 4NP S 1400T 230 10 / 12  Masurao  |1:22.8 g 9.35 12 B 520
 2018-08-05   S Shafrizal 52 45 4NP S 1000P 90 6 / 10  Loving You  |1:00.0 g 6.95 3 B 517
 2018-08-17   M Ewe 56 43 5 S 1100P 45 10 / 11  Rocket Fighter  1:06.10 g 9.70 5 B 515
 2018-09-09   M Ewe 56 42 5 S 1000P 157 7 / 11  Invincible Man  1:00.31 g 3.45 8 B 517
 2018-10-07   K Nuh 51.5 40 5 S 1200P 158 10 / 10  Golden Thunder  |1:12.6 g 16.00 8 B 515
 2018-10-26   K Nuh 50.5 38 5 S 1000P 241 12 / 12  Golden Spark  1:00.77 g 8.80 9 B 515
6. Petite Victoire . 10 . 8yo B au G . Mdm Li Feng . 1st: 4, 2nd: 4, 3rd: 1 . PrizeMoney:S$ 82,982 R$ 22,838
 2018-01-23   O Placais 51.5 29 5 S 1100P 20 1 / 9  Bonjour Bob  1:07.33 g 0.10 5 B 518
 2018-03-02   O Placais 54 34 5 S 1100P 40 9 / 12  Secondwave  1:07.24 g 9.20 11 B 521
 2018-03-16   O Placais 54.5 34 5 S 1000P 80 4 / 10  Good Bet  1:00.43 g 3.25 10 B 517
 2018-04-17   O Placais 63 0 Tri S 1000- 0 5 / 6  Hun Yeang Road  1:02.05 g 13.00 4 B 0
 2018-04-20   O Placais 54.5 34 5 S 1100P 36 8 / 10  Bring Me Joy  1:06.75 g 5.30 10 B 522
 2018-05-06   O Placais 53.5 33 5 S 1000P 127 5 / 11  Thoth Warrior  1:00.89 g 3.30 11 B 515
7. Thoth Warrior . 3 . 3yo B au G . Titanium Racing . 1st: 0, 2nd: 0, 3rd: 1 . PrizeMoney:S$ 2,565
 2019-11-29   TH Koh 53 33 5 S 1100P 80 8 / 11  Make U Famous  1:06.63 g 8.85 2 B 483
 2020-01-10   TH Koh 56.5 33 5 S 1100P 52 7 / 11  Luck Mak Mak  1:06.52 g 7.10 5 B 490
 2020-01-26   TH Koh 53.5 31 5 S 1100P 32 10 / 12  Majulah  1:07.55 g 9.90 2 B 481
 2020-02-21   TH Koh 53.5 29 5 S 1100P 68 3 / 11  Bring Me Joy  1:06.59 g 2.05 7 B 493
 2020-03-13   TH Koh 53.5 29 5 S 1100P 85 4 / 12  Excellent Moon  1:07.00 g 0.85 12 B 494
 2020-06-30   TH Koh 0 0 Tri S 1000P 0 3 / 10  Turf Beauty  1:02.26 g 2.80 7 B 0
8. Good Bet . 5 . 6yo B au G . YH Ang . 1st: 1, 2nd: 0, 3rd: 3 . PrizeMoney:S$ 25,841
 2018-04-20   M Zaki 53 33 5 S 1100P 50 5 / 10  Bring Me Joy  1:06.75 g 2.80 5 B 513
 2018-05-06   M Zaki 52 32 5 S 1000P 44 10 / 11  Thoth Warrior  1:00.89 g 7.85 5 B 513
 2018-09-09   CC Wong 51 32 5 S 1000P 90 2 / 11  Invincible Man  1:00.31 g 1.75 5 B 499
 2018-09-28   D Moor 53 32 5 S 1000P 24 7 / 9  Dominy  1:00.74 g 4.65 8 B 505
 2018-10-25   R Woodworth 62 0 Tri S 1000P 0 7 / 8  Captain Jamie  1:00.26 g 12.20 5 B 0
 2018-11-20   M Zaki 53 32 5 S 1000P 67 4 / 10  Dayuan  1:00.03 g 5.55 8 B 505
9. Berlinetta . 6 . 3yo B nz G . Advance Stable . 1st: 0, 2nd: 0, 3rd: 0 . PrizeMoney:S$ 2,790
 2019-01-11   T See 52.5 32 5 S 1600P 118 12 / 12  Venus De Milo  1:41.94 g 7.25 12 B 501
 2019-01-25   CC Wong 51.5 30 5 S 1600P 78 1 / 9  Powerful As Wind  1:41.67 g 0.30 4 B 497
 2019-02-22   CC Wong 55.5 36 5 S 1400T 86 9 / 14  Mings Man  1:24.35 g 6.05 3 B 501
 2019-03-15   CC Wong 53.5 36 5 S 1600P 101 7 / 12  Avengers Hero  |1:40.0 g 5.70 9 B 499
 2019-04-12   CC Wong 59.5 35 5 S 1600P 47 5 / 11  Venus De Milo  1:41.76 g 4.00 5 B 503
 2019-05-12   CC Wong 52.5 33 5 S 1600T 197 12 / 12  Big Regards  |1:35.9 g 16.90 8 B 499
10. Kaiser Bright . 7 . 8yo BR au G . KM Racing . 1st: 4, 2nd: 8, 3rd: 9 . PrizeMoney:S$ 252,950
 2018-01-14   N Juglall 50.5 29 5 S 1100P 49 4 / 12  Let's Talk Now  1:07.08 g 3.00 11 BH 505
 2018-02-02   M Zaki 49.5 28 5 S 1200T 73 7 / 9  Prince Ferdinand  |1:11.0 y 12.10 8 BH 498
 2018-03-02   N Hanafi 48 26 5 S 1100P 65 6 / 12  Secondwave  1:07.24 g 5.25 8 BH 493
 2018-04-06   K Nuh 50 24 5 S 1000P 156 7 / 12  Golden Spark  1:00.65 g 5.40 11 BH 502
 2018-04-20   K Nuh 50 22 5 S 1100P 108 6 / 10  Bring Me Joy  1:06.75 g 3.80 7 BH 498
 2018-05-06   K Nuh 50 22 5 S 1000P 252 2 / 11  Thoth Warrior  1:00.89 g 1.50 10 BH 503
Course I : Perak P : Penang K : Selangor S : Singapore

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