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Macau Jockey Club was formerly the Macau Trotting Club. In 1989, the Trotting Club changed ownership and was transformed into the present Macau Jockey Club for flat-racing. The first race was held on 10 September 1989. In 1991, the Macau Jockey Club was acquired by a consortium led by Dr Stanley Ho. The Board of Directors appoints a Chief Executive to handle the daily administration and management of the Club while the Management Committee composed of members of the Board of Directors is responsible for major policy-making.

The Macau Jockey Club is one of the largest private employers of Macau with around 800 employees (of which about 400 are stable hands) and over 300 part-timers.

Racing information

The Macau Jockey Club has races all year round. Racing Season starts in September and ends at the end of August in the following year. Basically, there are two racemeetings per week, night meeting on Fridays and day meeting or twilight meeting on weekends. The Club also simulcasts Hong Kong, South Africa, Singapore, Malaysia or Australia race on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

The races of the Macau Jockey Club are conducted in a clockwise direction. The most common distances for turf races are: Short distances 1000M, 1100M and 1200M, Middle distances 1400M, 1500M, 1700M and long distances of 1800M. The most frequent distances for sand races are 1050M, 1350M, 1500M, 1600M and 1700M.

Races are overseen by a team of professional Stipendiary Stewards with the aid of 8 video cameras which are capable of replaying races instantly in different angles of the track. All races are conducted under the MJC Rules of Racing.

Horses and Stables Facilities

There are around 400 horses in training. The horses come from Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland, France, United States and Japan. Horses are purchased by Members, so Horse Owners must become Members first and they are required to purchase horses according to a private purchase scheme.

There are 14 air-conditioned stable blocks providing 1,183 stalls for horses in training. The quarantine stable which has been fully renovated and upgraded to meet international standards has a capacity of 60 horses. There is also an air-conditioned spelling stable that has a capacity of 28 horses. There are separate stables for retired horses and for the Riding School. All stable personnel, except Trainers, are on Club's payroll and all stable facilities are owned and managed by the Club. The Club provides training facilities including fodder and vet care.

The Club is concerned about the health of horses as well as the interests of Horse Owners. As such, a Spelling Station was built in November 2001 on-course to provide a fresh-up area for horses which, subject to vet surgeon’s advice, require a rest after racing over a long period or have veterinary problem. The spelling station has been very well received by Horse Owners and Trainers since its operation.

Three full time vets shoulder the responsibility of the Equine Hospital which offers full diagnostic and treatment options. Modern equipment includes a videoendoscope, digital Xray machine, ultrasound scanner and a shockwave machine. Full surgical facilities are available and the hospital also has a laboratory equipped with the latest blood analyzers. Racing samples are tested by Racing Analytical Services Ltd (RASL), Victoria, Australia, and Racing Laboratory of Korea Racing Authority (KRA).

The Equine Swimming Pool which opens daily serves not only as a training facility but also a convalescence aid for horses. The 1.2 million-litre water in the 3.5-metre deep pool is constantly disinfected and maintained at a pH value of 7.2-7.4 (alkaline), and can be brought to a temperature of 24Cº to cater for cold weather. Facilities also enable horses to swim over a 120-metre or a 60-metre trip.

In 2002 the Macau Jockey Club has established Quarantine protocols with Hong Kong, USA and European Member Countries, and Macau horses can be exported to Hong Kong on a Temporary Import Permit, good for international racing purposes or transit. In addition, Macau horses can be exported to USA, European Countries and Australia on a Temporary or Permanent Import Permit.

At present, Macau accepts imports from European Member Countries and Regions, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Japan, Malaysia (Continent) and Argentina, which make up a total of 11 countries.

Trackwork, Barrier Trials and Jumpouts
Trackwork Mondays to Sundays from 6:00am to 8:30am
Barrier Trials Tuesdays after trackwork
Jumpouts Thursdays after trackwork
Re: Time of the Trackwork during the winter months is being put back.

Racecourse Facilities

Track Width (in metres) Length (in metres) Maximum field size
Turf Track 28 1,600 14
Sand Track 21 1,400 14

The Turf track is not only for races but also for horse galloping after Trackwork once (Tuesday) every month, while the sand track serves both training and racing functions. The entire oval-shaped racecourse is designed according to modern standards with a circumference of one mile. The length of the straight on Turf is about 370 metres while on Sand is about 320 metres.

The Racing Complex is the racing centre of the Macau Jockey Club. The five-storey building can accommodate 3,000 people and is situated in between the Grandstand and the Administration Building. Located on the ground floor of the Racing Complex are the Weighing Room, Enquiry Room, Jockeys’ Room, and the Trainers’ and Racing Officials’ Room. The Diamond Vision Control Room is on the 4th floor together with the TV and Broadcasting Control Centres. Racing commentators are housed on the roof of the Racing Complex. On the 1st floor is the 1/F Suite, while the second, fourth and fifth floor are all Horse Owners’ boxes, with two boxes for the Judiciary Police and the Macau Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau on the second floor. The Macau SAR Chief Executive Box, Chairman's Box, Directors' Box and the Honorary Members' Box are all furnished on the third floor. The 1/F Suite and all Guest Boxes are equipped with catering facilities.

The four-storey Grandstand is open for the public. The press box is situated at the Grandstand. Maximum capacity of the Grandstand is 15,000.

The Complex is daily workplace for each department. It was renamed "Administration Building" in July 1996.

Contribution to the Society

MJC has held the Charity Day racemeeting to raise charity funds since 1995. Every year over millions of dollars were collected for charity purpose.

Another contribution of the Club to the society is the MJC Charity Scholarships. The Club set aside several hundred thousand dollars from the donation collected on the Charity Day to help outstanding students in need of financial aid to continue their studies. This confirms the commitment of the Club in contributing to the society of Macau.

"Macau Loving Heart Charity Fund" was established in 2003. The fund raised for the “Macau Loving Heart Charity Fund” will be divided into two parts. One part will be invested in a special programme of a larger scale in China or Macau, which is in line with the purpose of the Charity Fund. The other part will serve as support for a charity programme of a smaller scale in Macau. Being more flexible, the Charity Fund is best-suited in supplementing Macau’s charitable activities.

MJC Contact Number Macau : (853) 2882 0868
Hong Kong : (Tollfree) 80096 7822
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