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Free Shuttle Bus Service
( Suspended until further notice. )

Macau to MJC
Routes Service Hour Runs (About 15 to 20 minutes a run)
Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal →Macau Jockey Club
(Local race starts earlier than overseas meeting
45 minutes before the first race to Race 1
(The first race of local race)
Depart after full up
Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal →Macau Jockey Club
(Overseas meeting starts earlier than local race)
(Day/Night/Twilight Racemeeting)30 minutes before the first race to local Race 1
Depart after full up
MJC to Macau
Routes Service Hour Runs (About 10 to 15 minutes a run)
Macau Jockey Club → Hong Kong Macau Ferry Terminal→Lisboa Hotel 20 minutes after the end of the race Depart after full up

Bus information

Route Bus Company From To
15 TRANSMAC Ocean Gardens Povoação de Ká-Hó
26 TRANSMAC Fai Chi Kei Coloane
33 TRANSMAC Fai Chi Kei Taipa
34 TRANSMAC Canal Das Hortas/Terminal Taipa
MT4 TRANSMAC Barra University Hospital
11 TCM Barra Taipa
28A TCM Macau Harbour Ferry Terminal Taipa
30 TCM Toi San Taipa
35 TCM Ocean Gardens Macau Jockey Club
36 TCM Ocean Gardens Macau International Airport
MT1 TCM Praça de Ferreira do Amaral Macau International Airport
22 TCM Iao Hon Taipa
Bus station「Jockey Club - 1」- near the entrance of Club Member (The opposite of Macau GrandView Hotel)
Bus station「Jockey Club - 2」- near the entrance of Racing Complex and Public Stands (The opposite of Macau Star River)
For the details of bus route and service information, please refer the website of TRANSMAC TCM or Nova Era
Contact Us hotline@mjc.mo
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Persons under 18 years of age and any others to be refused entry into betting centers are prohibited from gambling and entering Cashbet Centers.

MJC is the legal operator in Macao offering horse betting services. Being involved in illegal gambling shall be a serious crime. Please do not defy the law. For reporting gaming-related crimes, please contact Gaming-related Crimes Division of the Judiciary Police at 28330099.

MJC advocates responsible gambling. In case of emotional problems and abnormal behaviors, please contact Yat On Center at 2821 0033 for help, website : www.yoc.org.mo.