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Date :
Macau Meeting -
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Season Race No.
2024-03-30 | Sat | Turf/Sand
Untitled Document

Saturday, 30th March 2024 – 27th Race Meeting



Track Condition

Races 1-8 - Turf - Good (Penetrometer reading 3.11)
Races 9-14 - Sand - Normal Watering

Rail Position

A Course: 0 meters

Duty Racing Steward

Mr. Tam Siu Keung 

Stipendiary Stewards

Mr. Wayne Wood (Chief Stipendiary Steward)
Mr. Damian Yap (Acting Stipendiary Steward)

As Jockey W.H.Lao is indisposed and unable to ride, the Stewards give permission for the following change of rider(s):-
Race 9- Hostwin Achilles (C Perkins)
Race 10- Nozi Cyclone (I Poullis)
Race 13- Desi Master (K F Choi)

Supplementary Reports
Sunday, 17th March 2024 – 25th Race Meeting
Stewards concluded the inquiry into the performance of PLIKFIRE in Race 8 The Hartlepool Rating 45-20 1050 Metres on Sunday 17 March 2024. Further evidence was taken from Trainer C F Chan and Jockey K H Yu.

After taking into consideration of the evidence presented by Trainer C F Chan and Jockey K H Yu, reviewing the patrol film and horse’s subsequent performances, the Stewards came to the following decisions.

Jockey K H Yu was issued a severe reprimand for an unsatisfactory ride in that his lack of effort in the middle stage of the race to ensure that PLIKFIRE was in a position to be within striking range of the leaders upon straightening.

Trainer C F Chan was reprimanded and that only his unblemished record as a Trainer saved him from being penalized as his evidence was not of a standard expected from a professional Trainer with his experience.

Saturday, 30th March 2024 – 27th Race Meeting


Jockey K H Yu severely reprimanded for lack of vigor
Trainer C F Chan reprimanded


Race 6: More Than Reward
Race 11: Freetowon
Race 13: River Pentium


Race 8: W H Lao suffered a fall and was deemed unfit to ride.

Post Race Swabs were taken as follows:

Race1; Golden Wai
Race2: Luen On Feelings
Race3: Harapan
Race4: Bewarethewag
Race5: Top Gun Maverick
Race6: Handsome Magnesium
Race7: Sacred Magnate
Race8: Beauty Life
Race9: Precious Asset
Race10: Over Head Camshaft
Race11: Fortune Ahead
Race12: Goahead
Race13: Happy Happy Happy
Race14: Top Mountain God


This Stewards Report may be varied and finalized following a full review of all race videos on Monday 02 April 2024.


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